Frothing milk for a perfect cappuccino at home

Cappuccino! There is no “buongiorno” without cappuccino.
One of the fundamental components of the cappuccino is the frothed milk, which may seem difficult to prepare. Let’s break it down into few easy steps!

There are several options for frothing milk for a cappuccino, depending on the tools available. If you have a professional coffee machine equipped with a steam plate, frothing the milk will be very easy. However, even without a professional machine, you’ll be able to create a delicious cappuccino. Follow this guide (it’s Italian approved).

Froth the milk with a professional coffee machine

If you have a professional coffee machine with a steam plate, frothing the milk will be very easy. Here's how to proceed:

1. Pour the cold milk into a stainless steel jug and place it under the steam plate.
2. Open the steam valve and dip the tip of the steam plate into the milk, very close to the surface of the milk.
3. Run the steam until the milk temperature reaches 140-150°F.
4. Keep running the steam until the milk reaches a silky and creamy consistency, with no bubbles on the surface.
5. Remove the jug from the steam plate and tap it gently on a flat surface to remove any air bubbles and even out the texture of the milk.


Frothing milk without a professional coffee machine

If you don't have a professional coffee machine, you can still froth the milk for a delicious cappuccino. Here's how to proceed:

1. Pour the cold milk into a glass jar with an airtight lid.
2. Close the lid and shake the jar vigorously for about 30 seconds, until the milk becomes frothy.
3. Remove the lid and heat the milk in the microwave for about 30 seconds, until it reaches 140-150°C.
4. Remove the milk from the microwave and continue stirring with a spoon to even out the texture of the milk.

Once the milk is frothed, you can pour it over your freshly brewed coffee to create a delicious cappuccino. Remember that the key to a perfect cappuccino is the right proportion of coffee and milk! That’s why you need to use an appropriately sized glass and pour the frothed milk over the top of the coffee evenly.

Follow this guide for a perfect cappuccino! Have a nice “buongiorno italiano”!